Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Internet Explorer Shortcuts

Internet Explorer 6 and 7 F-key shortcuts windows XP & Windows Vista – Internet Explorer 6 or 7 Installed.
The F-key shortcuts are little known things that most of us either don’t know , or don’t remember. But they can be great timesavers. The more you use them , the more you’re likely to remember them. They save time , mouse movements and clicks. We’re all about doing things the easy way. Does that make us lazy or smart ? Well , different folks have different opinions on that. We think it’s smart to do things the simplest , quickest way , especially when the end result is the same as doing it the long way.
So here are a few little F-key shortcuts we use all the time . We thought perhaps you’d be interested in using them too!

Another Little Goodie

Click F4 while your browser is open and last 25 address you have typed out in your addresses bar will show! Place your cursor in the address bar and hit the F4 key. Now , use your up/ down arrow key to scroll to the one you want to go to. Yes, clicking the little arrow to the right of the address bar does the same thing , but sometimes it is nice not to have to leave your keyboard and use your mouse.
And, for closing those nasty little popup windows that don’t have any obvious way to close them (or to avoid getting tricked into clicking “Close” and downloading Spy ware or ad ware) use the ALT key + the F4 key to close the window in focus (the one “on top”).
The more you use these F-key shortcuts, the more likely you are to remember them. If you remember them, you’ll save time. Saving time is good. Remember?

1 comment:

Divyansh said...

Bro can you give me backlink